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Friday 18 January 2019

Another thought

This time, another, simpler thought where the original is more obvious and also some initial exploration of economic difference - here, tiny houses in tightly packed rows, a multitude of chimneys and washing hanging out in the front garden.

I'm thinking carefully also about how abstract to go with this piece and, perhaps more importantly, how close I want to stay to the original photograph in feeling and colour.

And there's always the perenial issue of the roll of stitch, where, when and how to use it.


  1. It's interesting how the criss-crossing lines of chimneys in themselves look like lines of washing with the pegs sticking up.

    1. What an interesting perspective you give. The visual link had not occurred to me at all. I was enjoying something quite different - the the lines and perspective of the chimneys as they contrasted with the more solid shapes I’d found in the lines of washing. You’ve prompted me to look again at the whole image and perhaps find ways to echo this thought elsewhere. Thank you!


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