Following yesterday's accidental twitch of the mouse which led to an early posting, I've found time after all to post again - on the right day - and here are a few more oranges from the archives, with special reference to tints and shades. The images come from a bit of paper fun, from inside Salisbury Cathedral, and from a shelf of long treasured books.
Looking at them had me pondering upon the point when orange becomes brown or yellow, or perhaps cream or red ....
Paper folding for Christmas - bright orange or scarlet red? |
Metal stacking chairs in the Cathedral - deep orange or copper brown? |
Inside the tower of Salisbury Cathedral - soft, muted oranges |
The joy of a good book, long treasured (definitely orange) |
(PS If you're new to this whole orange thing, look at my blog post yesterday to find out what we're up to.)
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