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Friday, 1 May 2015

More marks a day

I have now been making a mark a day for a month and have a few more results to share, all still using paint or ink.

I spent half and hour or so the other day investigating some of the possible marks to be made (beyond the obvious) with a 2 inch mop brush laden with thick black acrylic paint and also with an old champagne cork. To make the first mark, I swept the brush across the paper with a flick of the wrist.

To make the second, I rolled the brush on its side. 

To make the third, I 'stamped' with the brush on its end onto the paper. 

In the last, I printed repeatedly with the end of that champagne cork onto the paper.

In each case, the marks became more and more interesting as the brush or cork dried out. In particular, I was very surprised by the subtlety of the marks possible with the cork.

And for the future, I intend at least to accomplish another month's worth of marks ... not too big a challenge, I think. In this new month, I'll investigate marks in pencil first of all, at least for the first week or two. I'll post more when I feel my results are worth showing.

It's interesting to me that I've set out several times before to draw every day but have never managed to maintain the challenge for more than a few days. I think this challenge is so effective because of its simplicity and practicality. Perhaps the focus on minutiae is the appeal too. I have only to think up a single tiny idea to try each time and each one takes only a very few minutes (although more if I have the time and want to explore things in more depth). It's very possible to find 5 minutes each day.


  1. ça me démange... vite un pinceau! :)))) mais, je suis encore sur les routes... bises

    1. Merçi et bon voyage ... J'envie ton voyage exceptional ... à bientôt!

  2. Such rich marks! Had to laugh about the corks...just printed some myself as part of the Scavenger Hunt going on at my blog. I rubber-banded them together before printing. Take a look...

    1. Thank you Julie. Just taken a look at the scavenger hunt and your book and found some other really useful ideas. I will try rubber-banding corks together next week ... if I can stop my husband throwing away the product of a weekend with the family!

  3. A great idea! Drawing every day would be a step too far for me too. :-)

    Love the results by the way...

    1. Thank you, Chris. They're great fun to do and many of the results so unexpected.

  4. Interesting marks and I admire your dedication. A friend told me how good the Brewery Arts exhibition is.

    1. Thank you for commenting, Jackie ... no dedication needed! I've been finding the process of a little bit (perhaps 5 minutes) every day really useful and easy to do.


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