Gallery of past work

Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Miniatures in Bloom

A final selection here, this time of small works by Carolyn Sibbald (the first two) and Carla Mines (the third), before Brunel Broderers' exhibition at The Arts Centre at The Meeting House in Ilminster, Somerset, closes on Saturday.


The Arts Centre offers a very pleasant small gallery, well-lit and with plenty of display space for small installation work as well as good wall space. 

Footfall has been good and comments encouraging! The very good coffee shop makes it a really pleasant day out. We will be sorry to leave on Saturday. 

If you live locally and have not yet been, general opening times for the gallery are given on the Art Centre website via link above or by clicking on the poster in the side bar of this blog. 

Please note: Closing time for the Gallery this coming Saturday (31 October) will be at 12 noon because our exhibition is ending and our work has to be taken down ready for the next exhibition. 

Sunday, 18 October 2020

The Brunel Broderers' exhibition in The Arts Centre at the Meeting House in Ilminster in Somerset, is now open to view.

As keen-eyed observers will notice, much of the work I am showing with the group this time has again been developed following a visit to the Chateau at Chenonceau in the Loire region of France in July 2019. 

There are several new pieces. I have developed further the layering and the opacity of the images to give depth. I have layered several repeating images each with different levels of opacity and have explored the shapes (both positive and negative) generated by the overlapping of these images. 

I have also extended my thoughts to give a fresh look at the use of colour to suggest further the complex history of Catherine de Medici's life - of political machinations and dark deeds and perhaps blood spilt. 

In all this work, it is a strange fact that this historic theme of evil deeds contrasts strongly in my memory with the formal beauty and apparent peace of the gardens when I saw them. I have hoped to suggest this conflict in my work. 

Throughout, I have developed my response through Adobe Photoshop Elements from the photographs I took during my visit. The imagery which resulted was discussed at length (here and here). 

A snapshot of each of the members of the group is to be found on the Brunel Broderers' blog. Each artist is featured in a separate post with brief details of their work. 

Covid restrictions notwithstanding, the exhibition runs in the gallery until Saturday 31 October 2020. If you are able to come, you will find a warm welcome in the gallery and in the café which is open during the centre's opening hours. 

In view of current restrictions, it would be wise to consult the Art Centre's website before visiting to check the opening times of the gallery.