Stitching and blogging have been eclipsed recently for me by family and holidays and other pleasures and I doubt it will change much till the middle of September. Still that means lots to look forward to ... and it's a good life!
Meanwhile then, as my contribution to the latest Roy G Biv rainbow challenge, I'm posting a different take on some recent stitch work and a small holiday offering .

This back view, fortunately for now, has violet (or purple, its more intense cousin) along with the black and the white. You may remember that I posted a photo of the front here.
Then, there is a quite different offering coming from all that holidaying, a photo of Quimperlé in western France taken recently with my daughter and her lovely family and with lucky hints of violet in the flower planting.
I'm not sure when I'll next post ... it's not easy in Scotland, my next port of call ... but I'll be looking out for pink, ready for the August challenge!